Friday, February 22, 2008

Essentials Of A Photography Lab

When people take a picture, this has to be brought to the shop so it can be developed. When a professional photographer takes shots, some of these individuals have a photography lab inside where this can be done.

But the photography lab is better known as the dark room. This term is given because the film can only be extracted under dim conditions rather than opening this and having the film exposed.

But how does the process from shooting a picture become an image? For this, the dark room must have the proper equipment in order for it to be developed.

Upon taking this out of the camera, the film, which is called a negative, is placed on a holder. Once in place, this can now be made bigger using an enlarger. Most models come with a timer to be able to regulate the amount of light on the image.

Photographic paper is what people receive when the shots have been developed. This is held using an easel and the light from the enlarger will make this image appear on paper. To avoid making any mistakes, a n image magnifier is used to double-check the settings before proceeding to the next stage of the process.

After a few minutes, the finishing touch will be putting this on a developing tray that has some chemicals in it that will make the picture clearer. This is hung to dry and when completed, can be shown to people.

People will usually get two things from the developer. The first are the pictures which may come in 3 x 5, 5 x 7 or larger. The second are the negatives, which must be brought again to the shop so this can be redeveloped.

The practice of developing film hasnt changed that much through the years. The only difference is perhaps the age of digital photography that has allowed individuals to develop this using a printer. This has given hobbyists and others the option of having the developing done in dark room or done at home.

The dark room doesnt occupy that much space in the studio. It should just be enough to set the equipment and hang the pictures to complete the entire process. Those who find this too difficult can just have this done somewhere else.

The person shouldnt feel bad asking others for help because some of the well known photographers in the field have been doing this more frequently due to time constraints and other projects.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on photography & other useful information, please visit

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