Saturday, February 23, 2008

Five Reasons You Must Visit Hong Kong

1. Easy Access and Worlds Best Airport

You must visit Hong Kong if you plan to travel China. Hong Kong is a major transportation hub in Asia and is a gateway to China. It is extremely easy to find your way here. There are daily direct flights connecting Hong Kong to major cities in Europe and N. America. Boeing long-range aircrafts 747, 767, 763 are widely used.

Here are some flight durations (non-stop) for your reference. From New York is 16Hr20m, London is 11Hr45m, Sydney is 9Hr20m and Tokyo is 4Hr45m.

Once you land in Hong Kong, you must be convinced by its customer services and efficiency in immigration and customs checks. Hong Kong Airport is voted the Worlds Best Airport from 2001-2005 (Skytrax online survey).

2. Great Choices of Accommodation

You must visit Hong Kong because you are able to find an accommodation that suits your need, whether luxury, budget or something in between. For luxury holiday makers, Hong Kong has almost all the world famous 5-star hotels Grand Hyatt, Mandarin Oriental, Peninsula, Four Seasons, many more to name.

If you travel on a budget, Hong Kong Youth Hostel Association operates many hostels at very attractive rates. A friend of mine told me she was able to book a bed for HK$80 per night. However she had to share a room with some others. If you have four in your group, you can book a 4-bed room at HK$400 (US$50) per night. Quite a good deal!

3. Gourmets Paradise

You must visit Hong Kong if you love Chinese food. Hong Kong culinary market is dominated by Cantonese food, one of the yummiest among all Chinese food. Cantonese food is world famous for its simple cooking method and fresh ingredients used. A seafood dinner is a must. Try a steam live fish. It is a life-time experience. Nowhere else in the world people will cook fish in the same manner however so delicious. A dim sum lunch/breakfast is also a must. This has become the life style of Hong Kongers, Chinese and foreigners alike.

Hong Kong is not only famous for Cantonese food. You can find any other Chinese food here and any other kind of food from all over the world.

Hong Kong is a place you can eat whenever you want to. There are shops opening round the clock. You would never be hungry here.

4. Shoppers Paradise

You must visit Hong Kong if you want to buy luxury goods at the lowest price. Genuine luxury brands like LV, Prada, Corum, Burberrys and many other world famous designers labeled products are sold at unbeatable prices. In many cases, these shops are crowded and even with a waiting line.

Hong Kong is also a place where you can buy the trendiest everything with the lowest price in the world mobile phone, computer, digital camera, electronics, fashion and accessories etc. You must be convinced by the wide range of choices and their low prices.

5. Most Beautiful Night View and Skyline

You must visit Hong Kong if you are not impressed by any other night views youve seen.

The Intercontinental Lobby Lounge is included in the book 1,000 Places To See Before You Die. Would it be over rated? No, it is not, because it is one of the best places to view the beautiful Hong Kong skyline at night.

Hong Kong at night is stunning for many reasons. Beautiful buildings are highly condensed with layers of colours spreading from the harbour up to the peak. You can take a panoramic view from distance. Or you can ride on Star Ferry to have a close look.

Hong Kong skyline contributes to the beauty of Hong Kong day and night. Numerous beautifully designed buildings line up on the Island side of the world famous Victoria Harbour. They are lit up with well designed colour schemes that make the night view of Hong Kong extremely stunning. Hong Kong at night is an incredible experience of your China travel.

Anna Yuen is a Hong Kong Chinese. With her knowledge about her home country, she is proud to present China travel to the world. Visit her website here.

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Methadone: To Take Or Not To Take This Anti-Narcotic Drug


Methadone is an Opioid. Methadone is synthetic by nature. Methadone is also an analgesic. Methadone is basically recommended for the chronic drug abusers. Methadone has been found to be an ideal medication for the treatment of addiction from narcotic substances. Of late, methadone has been widely recommended for patients suffering from chronic pain. Methadones effective action remains for long duration. Moreover, Methadone is quite cheap as well. As per the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, methadone is included in the list of Schedule II drug.


There are two reasons as to why Methadone effects last longer than other morphine drugs. First, methadones lipid solubility is quite high. Second, methadone metabolism is slow. Most importantly, the dependence incidence of patients is low. Hence, there is less danger of a heroin detoxified patient treated on methadone getting hooked to the synthetic opioid. Methadone keeps intact the analgesic effects from a day to two at the most.


Methadone is ideal for the de-addiction units particularly because of the life of a methadone dosage. Moreover, methadone can be given by injection or even orally. For instance, a single daily dose of methadone is enough to keep under control any heroin addict for the entire day.


The tolerance and dependence of methadone increases as one keeps on taking more doses of the synthetic opioid. In this aspect, methadone is similar to heroin. However, the tolerance factor as well as the effects (physiological) differs. Still, it has been found that methadone leaves no tolerance to constipation. However, the other opioids do leave tolerance effects on the patients especially with respect to constipation. Mentionably, analgesia tolerance appears in the first month after one starts taking the drug. But, tolerance to nausea, sedation and respiratory depression commences within four days after one takes such medications.


There is a close link between methadone and the brain receptor known as NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid). Methadone can even control tolerance and psychic dependence. This is possible because of its strong reaction against opioid. It is due to this reason that patients taking methadone exhibit lesser withdrawal symptoms than those who are into heroin or morphine. Nonetheless, the methadone withdrawal symptoms linger more than the latter.


Methadone was commercially launched by Eli Lilly and Company, a pharmaceutical company.


German scientists Methadone Gustav Ehrhart and Max Bockmhl jointly synthesized methadone in 1937. They were in search of an analgesic in the Hoechst-Am-Main (IG Farben) laboratory. Their mission was to invent such an analgesic that would solve the twin problems faced by surgeons during surgical operations.


First, surgeries were rather problematic with the then extant analgesics. Secondly, the commonly used analgesics were having a high addiction effect. So, both the German scientists found out that synthetic analgesic which would have low addiction effects on the patients and also would be easier to use. They called it Polamidon or Hoechst 10820.


It was on September 11, 1941 that the duo filed for patent rights. The structure of this invention was totally different from and least connected with the opioid alkaloids or morphine. Nonetheless, methadone brings about the same types of effects as heroin or morphine. This is because methadone acts on the opioid receptors. Among the opioids, methadone has the simplest chemical composition.


The Americans came to know of methadone as an analgesic in 1947, courtesy: Eli Lilly and Company. It then rechristened Polamidon or Hoechst 10820 (methadone) as Dolophine. It was under this registered name that methadone was subsequently registered to Roxane Laboratories. Incidentally, the term Dolophine has its roots in the German word Dolphium. The Latin word dolor means pain while phine means end.
In the USA, Dolophine (Methadone) was first manufactured by the St. Louis-based Mallinckrodt pharmaceuticals. It is a subsidiary of the Tyco International Corporation. Mallinckrodt enjoyed the patent up to the early part of the 1990s. It still remains the major manufacturer of methadone. The producers of methadone generic preparations also collect their bulk consignments from Mallinckrodt. Nonetheless, many other pharmaceutical companies also produce and distribute methadone today. Moreover Mallinckrodt sells its typical brand of methadone named Methadose as oral concentrate and dispersable tablets in the United States.


There is a belief that the German creators coined the name Dolophine as a tribute to Adolf Hitler. The Church of Scientology also buttresses this with the data that the earlier name for this synthetic analgesic was actually Adolophine or Adolphine. To make matters worse, vocal Scientologist and actor Tom Cruise also backed the literature in 2005. He was giving an interview to the Entertainment Weekly. However, the weekly soon came out with a follow-up story which nullified the claim. It is, however, now established that the term Dolophine was coined by the American wing of the Eli Lilly Corporation after the World War. What is more, the magazine put the lid on the controversy by proving that the 1970 nomenclature of Adolphine (which wasnt ever used for the drug) was also brought into being in the States.


The low cost of methadone as well as its effectiveness over a long period of time made it rather popular too. While 30 days dose of the analgesic Demerol cost $ 125 in the fag end of 2004, the equivalent amount of methadone cost $20.


There are many drugs similar in composition and effects to methadone. They are Buprenorphine, heroin (diamorphine), ORLAM and dextropropoxyphene.

Buprenorphine and methadone are used in the UK and many other countries for the treatment of narcotic addicts. Heroin is also known as diamorphine. Many countries allow heroin to be prescribed for patients undergoing detoxification programs. Heroin is also given to patients taking treatment for many other opiate addictions.

Interestingly enough, an Austrian study shows that orally tendered morphines are more effective than its oral methadone counterpart. Patients developing immunity to many traditional detoxification programs positively respond to a combination of morphine and a low dosage of methadone.

ORLAM is a synthetic compound. It is also known as LAAM. It is composed of levo-alphacetylmethadol. LAAM s effects last from 42 to 72 hours. This compound was okayed as a medication for the patients suffering from chronic narcotics addiction in 1994. LAAM is also included in the US Controlled Substances Act (Schedule II). After reports were received that LAAM intake caused cardiac complications in some people, it was withdrawn from the American and the European markets.

Dextropropoxyphene is popular as a pain reliever. In the USA, more than 100 ton of this oral analgesic is produced annually. It is most effective in patients suffering moderate pains.

Dextropropoxyphene overdose is reported to have been the cause of many deaths especially among the recreational youth generation. In fact, it is among the top 10 such drugs in the USA. Dextropropoxyphene is included within Schedule II of the US Controlled Substances Act. However, medications containing Dextropropoxyphene are put in the Schedule IV. Its strength can be gauzed from the fact that aspirin takes 600 mg to be equal to just 65 mg of Dextropropoxyphene. It was first marketed in 1957 as Darvon.


Methadone abuse is not common primarily because it is not strong. Besides, the addicts prefer such opioids whose effects are instant or fast. In this aspect, methadone is rather slow. But abusers use the snort method to elicit a stronger euphoric and faster effect. There are, of course, occasional reports of deaths occurring due to methadone overdose. Such instances are more among the perennial drug abusers. Such habituated abusers go for methadone species like the Street Meth. Many illicit drug markets sell methadone as alternatives to other opioids.


Such demands are usually from three types of people. Those addicts who had at one point of time taken methadone as a part of medical regimen may again feel a strong tendency to go for methadone. Moreover, kin of patients having methadone may fall easy prey to the synthetic drug. There can also be a demand for methadone from the habituated opioid abusers if they are unable to get hold of any other brands.


The methadone consignments enter the illicit drug market via two ways. Methadone packets usually get diverted into the illicit market from the destinations. It can also enter the drug market through theft. This is done mainly from the shippers or from the factories. Such methadone consignments rarely find their ways to the illicit drug market from the patients prescriptions.


Of late, there has been a growing controversy about the efficacy of methadone. This is notwithstanding its proven track record that methadone is an opioid analgesic. There has been a rise in the number of methadone related deaths around the globe. Many vouchsafe that methadone is intimately connected with the drug abusers. Above all, there has not been a single scientific report that methadone is an ideal medication for relieving chronic pain. One thing is for sure, though. Methadone does not possess any extra-strong pain relieving effects compared to the other opiates. It has, however, been established that methadone is far more dangerous than most opiates. It is for such reasons that many physicians do not encourage methadone use.

Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist. He has published more than 1000 articles and a popular adventure book for children. For more information log on to

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